Financial Performance Analysis Based on the Balance Scorecard Method in Makassar City Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM)

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Nurhasika Nurhasika
Syamsul Alam
Fauzi R Rahim


This research aims to determine financial performance based on the balance scorecard in PDAM Makassar City. The results of this research show that overall, the company's performance seen from 4 (four) Balanced Scorecard perspectives can be said to be good because the company was able to achieve 75% of the standards set or as many as six of the eight benchmarks used by the balanced scorecard succeeded in meeting the target.


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Nurhasika, N., Alam, S., & Rahim, F. R. . (2023). Financial Performance Analysis Based on the Balance Scorecard Method in Makassar City Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM). EKOMA : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi, 2(2).