The Effects of Motivation, Creativity and Social Media Usage for Information Seeking on Product Innovation

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Rizka Putri Pranandari
Atsushi Aoyama


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) have important role to the national economy
in Indonesia. In this regard, innovation is crucial
because it is one of the major keys to develop the
competitiveness of the MSME. Some previous studies
indicate that there are various factors that influence
innovation in the business organization. In this study,
we try to investigate the effect of intrinsic motivation,
creativity as well as social media usage for
information seeking on product innovation among
culinary MSME. We gathered 102 responses from the
owner or managing staff of a culinary MSME through
paper-based surveys. We delimit the location of the
surveys, which is only in the area around the
campuses in Depok district, Sleman, Yogyakarta
because we argue that the MSMEs located in such
area tend to be more innovative since their market
niche are college students who are coming from the
younger generation. The results of the hypothesis tests
using PLS-SEM approach indicate that intrinsic
motivation and creativity have positive and significant
effect on product innovation. The same goes with
social media usage for information seeking. Some
implications are discussed in the later part of this


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How to Cite
Pranandari, R. P., & Aoyama, A. (2024). The Effects of Motivation, Creativity and Social Media Usage for Information Seeking on Product Innovation. EKOMA : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi, 3(6), 989–1000.


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