Memutus Mata Rantai Radikalisme dan Terorisme dengan Mengedepankan Kegiatan Positif di Sekolah

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Marjan Miharja
Riyanta Riyanta
Fandy Lucky S.
Ali Aridi
Arby Hermawan
Agung Ardiansyah
Panji Adela
Fatih Fauzan Zulfa R.
Lisda Purwanti
Wira Agustian Tri H.
Sonia Yolla Viqwan
Muhammad Mursid
Esa Dian Arifni


Efforts to combat radical movements to terrorism of any kind, should not be carried out by violent means, as the United States has done to Afghanistan. This is because the violence will only add to the violence of the new volume. Volumes of crimes against humanity against innocent civilians. We can't quell the impossibility with the impossibility. Efforts to counter terrorism must start from uprooting the root or source of the problem. On the domestic political stage, the rise of religious radicalism movements is marked by the rise of mass actions driven by several hardline Islamist groups, which generally have something in common in one respect, namely; want the grounding or application of Islamic law in the archipelago. . Efforts to counter terrorism must start from uprooting the root or source of the problem. The most important root or source of acts of terrorism today is to remove injustice and lameness in the order of international relations. It needs intense dialogue between the warring parties in order to truly find the best solution to end the conflict


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Miharja, M., Riyanta, R., Lucky S., F., Aridi, A., Hermawan, A., Ardiansyah, A., Adela, P., Fauzan Zulfa R., F., Purwanti, L., Agustian Tri H., W., Yolla Viqwan, S., Mursid, M., & Dian Arifni, E. (2023). Memutus Mata Rantai Radikalisme dan Terorisme dengan Mengedepankan Kegiatan Positif di Sekolah. Joong-Ki : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(3), 499–506.


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